Join Us
Be part of our journey to make a better community through our voluntary work.
We welcome people who have creativity, dedication, and kindness.
Before scrolling down to the form, read the requirements below for becoming a member.
Character education (인성교육) is a required lesson for all members of Nanoom Korea and NKY. In this short one-hour lecture, you will be introduced to the correct mindset for participating in community service work, as well as various aspects of Korean culture that will be essential for understanding your own social environment and community.
Hard Work
After participating in the Character Education lecture, you will be able to officially participate in Nanoom Korea's community service sessions, which usually take place on Saturday from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM at the Nanoom Korea office. Full participation and effort put towards the community service is expected, though specific rules and guidelines will be explained by the Character Education as well as the Nanoom Korea Youth team.
Besides hard work, Nanoom Korea also greatly values the consistency with which you devote your time and effort to their organization. For NKY, a minimum of two community service attendances per month is required, which is equivalent to 6 hours per month. If necessary, extensions for filling this quota can be given on a case-by-case basis.
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